Greater Kansas City Chapter AACN Members:
It’s so hard to believe that Spring is here and our fiscal year for AACN is closely coming to an end! We just completed another successful Visions Symposium a couple of weeks ago, and based on the participant evaluations, it was a great success. It was our 25th Annual Visions which made it all the more special. We ended up with close to 140 participants, over 50 vendors spanning the two days, and a great mix of local and national speakers, including our own Mary Stahl, the current President of National AACN, Barbara McLean, and Dr. Pratik Panharipande. I can also share with you that we could have heard a pin drop in the room as the panel of nurses from Joplin, Missouri, shared their personal stories of the EF5 tornado that devastated their hospital last year. Their stories truly depicted Mary’s theme of standing Together – Stronger – and Bolder as they described how they were able to intervene with resilience and professional fortitude as they worked to save the lives of their patients and peers.
In addition to the annual symposium, Visions, the Board has been actively planning and implementing other educational offerings, including a Ventilator class which was offered in January. Other courses planned for this spring include a 12-lead EKG course, scheduled for June 12 at SJMC, and certification preparation courses for the PCCN and CCRN exams. For further information regarding these educational offerings, please see the chapter website at the above address.
Finally, just a reminder that voting for our slate of new officers for the 2012-2013 GKC AACN Board is well under way, so please do not hesitate to vote!! Membership participation in the voting process ensures that we are able to establish a board composed of a variety of talented nurses, administrators, and/or educators from throughout the city. We are not able to grow and diversify without your input and participation.
In conclusion, Mary Stahl’s AACN theme of “Together, Stronger, and Bolder” is one that we believe we have successfully incorporated throughout our chapter programs and activities throughout this past year. We value the concept of teamwork in the work we do as a chapter, and fully know that we need each other in order to take strong and bold actions to maintain the success of our chapter. Please let me know if and how we can meet your professional and/or learning needs by contacting me, or any one of the current board members, at our website: [email protected].
Thank you!
Kay Luft, President