Welcome to the 26th Annual VISIONS Symposium, hosted by the Greater Kansas City Chapter (GKCC) of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)!
AACN was established in 1969 and is the largest specialty nursing organization. The GKCC of AACN was established in 1973 and continues to be very active in serving the community with award winning programming and activities. Through educational programming and scholarship support, we service the progressive and critical care nurses in Region 14 (Missouri and Kansas) and beyond. The objective of this symposium is to provide the participant with innovations in critical care and progressive care, to enhance your clinical knowledge, and motivate you to develop further as a professional. Come network with your peers, learn evidence-based clinical practice, access the latest technology on display by vendors, be inspired, shop, and pay-it-forward through community Harvester and Lions Club donations.
40th anniversary celebration directly following Day 1 activities. 5:15-7:15 Light appitizers and one drink ticket per person. A cash bar is available for the duration of the event.
Program Day 1
(Thursday, February 28th, 2013) 0700 - 0745 Registration, Vendors, Breakfast 0745 - 0800 Welcome & Announcements 0800 - 0915 Keynote: Working Together - Do You Dare To? Kathryn Roberts, RN, CNS, MSN, CCRN, CCNS 0915 - 0945 Vendor Exhibits/Break 0945 - 1100 Concurrent #1: Science of Therapeutic Positioning Eric Moss, RN 0945 - 1100 Concurrent #2: Innovations in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Keith Allen, MD 1100 - 1145 Vendor Exhibits/Break 1145-1300 LUNCH PROVIDED 1300 - 1415 Concurrent #1: Assessing Preload Responsiveness Barbara “Bobbie” Leeper, MN, RN--‐BC, CNS M--‐S, CCRN, FAHA 1300 - 1415 Concurrent #2: Vascular Access Complications‐Door to Discharge Kelly McNeil--‐Jones, RN, BSN, MBA 1415 - 1430 Vendor Exhibits/Break 1415 - 1530 Sepsis: Past, Present, Future Steven Q. Simpson, MD 1530 - 1700 Future of Nursing Caryl Goodyear--‐Bruch, RN, PhD 1700-1715 Closing & Evaluations ~~~~~~ 1715-1915 40th Anniversary Celebration! Light Appitizers and one Drink ticket per person ~Cash bar will be open for duration of event. Come celebrate the rich Greater Kansas City Chapters History with your fellow nurses *Not necessary to attend Visions in order to come Celebrate |
Program Day 2
(Friday, March 1sth, 2013) 0700 - 0745 Registration, Vendors, Breakfast 0745 - 0800 Welcome & Announcements 0800 - 0915 Alarm Fatigue: Clinical Management & Patient Safety Charlene Vennard, RN 0915 - 0945 Vendor Exhibits/Break 0945 - 1100 Concurrent #1: Surveillance for Ventilator Associated Events: A New Approach Jeremy C. Strom, MD 0945 - 1100 Concurrent #2: Not all Chest Pain is MI: Pericarditis and Myocarditis Mary Stahl, RN, MSN, ACNS--‐BC, CCNS--‐CMC, CCRN 1100 - 1130 Vendor Exhibits/Break 1130-1245 Integrating Palliative Care Into Critical Care Jana Braklow, RN, MSN, ARNP 1245 - 1345 LUNCH PROVIDED / SILENT AUCTION CLOSES 1345 - 1500 Implementing Open Visitation in Your Unit Mary Stahl, RN, MSN, ACNS--‐BC, CCNS--‐CMC, CCRN 1500 - 1515 Break 1515 - 1615 Creating a Positive, Hopeful, Healing, Environment Using Laughter: Introducing Project PHIL Kelly Jantz, RN 1615 - 1630 Closing & Evaluations REGISTRATION FEES |
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